Last month, SmartMusic added 108 interactive tracks to the music catalog! Continuous new repertoire updates are included with your regular subscription, adding further depth and value every month.
Power Up! The LAWS of Tone and Dynamics
Musicians are multitaskers. Our brains, fingers, and bodies do so many things all at once to perform our instruments. When approaching practice, I encourage students to break things down into small OMGs–Obtainable Musical Goals–rather than attacking everything at once.
SmartPicks – Cartoon by Paul Hart

Ensemble type: Concert Band
Difficulty: Medium Advanced
Recommended by: Ted Scalzo, Education Specialist
“If you want your students to improve their technical performance skills and have fun at the same time, this is your piece.
Power Up! Keys to Successful Articulation
My favorite thing in the world to teach is fundamentals. The development and continued refinement of fundamental skills are key to the overall success of our students and ensembles.
Power Up! Fingerboard Geography for the Intermediate and Advanced String Musician
Musicians are multitaskers. Our brains, fingers, and bodies do so many things all at once to perform with our instruments.
Power Up! Improving Ensemble Sound
The sound of any ensemble is its first impression on the listener; therefore, this should be the priority. There are 3 elements of the band sound: Breathing, Tone, and Intonation.
Music for the Holidays
We don’t need to remind you that December performances are right around the corner—your opportunity to spread holiday cheer while showcasing the skills your students have been working on this semester.
Power Up! Practical Tuning Tips for Young Musicians Using SmartMusic
Many stereotypes are floating about that characterize young musicians as being unable to play with good tone and with developed intonation.
SmartMusic September 2022 Repertoire Update
Last month, SmartMusic added 308 interactive tracks to the music catalog across 85 different publications! This record-breaking repertoire update adds incredible depth to your SmartMusic subscription.
Lost, Now Found! Rediscovering Concert Band Titles from the Pandemic
It seems that we’re on the other side of the pandemic, with many school band programs rebuilding and returning to the sort of wonderful ensemble experiences that make them the worthwhile endeavors they are for all involved!