Do you often find yourself failing to keep your New Year’s resolutions? Or have you given up on making them, sure that you will not keep them?
Music Ed Mentor Podcast Ep. 99: Developing a Focus For a Long Career
We’re back just in time to be thinking about kicking off a new year! A couple months ago I put out a call for podcast ideas for the next year or so and I was overwhelmed with the response from our music educator community!
SmartMusic December 2021 Repertoire Update
In the last month, our Repertoire Development team added 26 new Interactive titles to the SmartMusic repertoire library.
View the full list of new Interactive solos and ensemble pieces.
Music Showcased at the 2021 Midwest Clinic
The 75th Annual Midwest Clinic International Band, Orchestra, and Music Conference takes place in Chicago December 15-18, 2021.
What began in 1946 as a way for directors to explore new repertoire has grown to an annual worldwide extravaganza, with 18,000+ attendees from more than 40 countries.
Free Holiday Activity: What Song Is this?
Get your students in holiday music mode while practicing their sight reading and audiation skills! This free PDF activity can be used as an in-class activity, at-home assignment, or for extra credit.
How to Use SmartMusic for Free
SmartMusic is a suite of web-based music education tools that support efficient practice. At the heart of SmartMusic is a respect for the deliberate practice model and a recognition that students benefit from immediate feedback.
SmartMusic November 2021 Repertoire Update
In the last month, our Repertoire Development team added 12 new Interactive titles to the SmartMusic repertoire library.
View the full list of new Interactive solos and ensemble pieces here.
Music Ed Mentor Podcast Ep. 98: Paradigm Shifts in Music Creation for All Classrooms
You know I like a bit of controversy, right? It’s time to either get uncomfortable, or pull out your pom poms!
Music Ed Mentor Podcast Ep. 97: Learning and Teaching Songwriting
Though my heart is full of song, and I’ve often fantasized about being able to translate my thoughts and feelings into music that I can sing and share, the fear of exposure always gets to me—songwriting is a visceral fear.
SmartMusic October 2021 Repertoire Update
In the last month, our Repertoire Development team added 39 new Interactive titles to the SmartMusic repertoire library.
For all new Interactive solos and ensemble pieces, view the full list here.