A SmartMusic teacher subscription includes Sight Reading Builder.

Students need an endless supply fresh sight-reading examples to improve their reading skills. Sight Reading Builder empowers teachers to generate an infinite number of sight-reading exercises, customized for their students’ specific needs. With it, you can:

  • Quickly create content for individual students, common ensembles, as well as create custom ensembles. Learn how to customize Sight Reading Builder best for your students here.
  • Select from ten predefined difficulty levels, or individually specify key signatures, time signatures, articulations, rhythmic patterns, ranges, and more.
  • Assign Sight Reading Builder content as an assignment and SmartMusic will generate a new exercise each time a student loads that assignment. Students can start an assignment as many times as they wish before submitting it, and they will always read a brand-new exercise.
  • Learn more in this help center article.

By providing an endless supply of fresh and relevant music to read, Sight Reading Builder can help your students develop sight-reading proficiency more quickly. But don’t take our work for it. Hear how band director Katie Browne uses it with her students:

To try Sight Reading Builder today, create a free SmartMusic account, then click on Begin Teacher Trial within SmartMusic.

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