Have you ever wished you could just wave a magic wand and have someone give you everything you’ve ever wanted for your music program? What would you ask for? What would you do? Would you start a new type of curriculum? Maybe launch an after-school club to engage the students who couldn’t fit music into their schedule? Would you buy keyboards or laptops or ?
If resources weren’t an issue…what could you do?
Let’s Talk about Grants
In this episode, we’re going to talk about how to make your dreams a reality. To help me cover the ground between advocacy, PR, and business management, I’ve brought in an expert on all of the above, Tiffany Kerns, executive director of the CMA Foundation.
This is one of my personal favorite interviews in the more than 60 episodes of this podcast. Tiffany is a gem and totally my hero. You will absolutely feel motivated and encouraged by the end of this episode.
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Special Thanks
I’d like to extend my special thanks to the Country Music Association Foundation for their help in making this bonus episode happen. The CMA Foundation believes every child should have access to a proper music education. The foundation partners with schools and communities to make that happen.
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