Mike Holden, Highcrest Middle School
Although Mike technically is the “youngster” of the group, his use of SmartMusic in the past four years allows him to offer sage SmartMusic tips in this Midwest Panel Discussion. Mike uses SmartMusic to give his students more exposure to pieces before they play as an ensemble. this allows him to work on more advanced musical concepts in rehearsal.
In this video, Mike covers:
- Starting students in sectionals in 5th grade
- Accompaniments as listening examples
- Recording and self assessment capabilities
- Avoiding the assessment tool for the first few months
- Projecting on screen and asking students to point out musical markings
- A parent night to show the benefit of using SmartMusic
- First assignments are just “practice reports”
- As the teacher, be the SmartMusic expert. There will be questions
- Giving students a couple weeks to complete assignments
- Have a few loaner microphones
- Do SmartMusic “tips of the week” and “pieces of the week” with your students