SmartMusic Feature Friday: Hide on-screen music!

Hide on-screen musicIn this week’s SmartMusic Feature Friday, I will show you how to hide on-screen music and still get an assessment! Why would you want to use this feature?

Perhaps to memorize:

  • Scales
  • Marching band music
  • Solos

This feature is unique because you can you hear the accompaniment as you memorize!

To hide on-screen notation in SmartMusic:

  • From the menu, select View.
  • Select Music on Screen and notice the checkmark shows that Music On Screen is enabled. 

02 Music hidden

After selecting Music On Screen, the notation is now hidden.

03 Music Hidden

  • Press Start Take and play the music. (Make sure Count off is enabled if necessary.)
  • To see the assessment, choose View from the menu and select Music On Screen.

You will now see the red and green note assessment!

01 Assessed

Oh, right! It’s supposed to be a Db!

Imagine how much more productive memorizing music can be!

Since we are talking about memorizing, one method that musicians use to memorize music is to select a few measures (phrase) and keep adding to it as each “chunk” is successfully learned. SmartMusic can help here too.

To select only certain measures or phrases for memorization practice in SmartMusic:

  • Go to Location on the Control panel.
  • Type in the bar and the beat for the starting point or just click your mouse on the measure you want to start.
  • Move the cursor by End and fields to enter the information for the last measure-beat in the series will appear.
  • Do not press the Loop button if you wish to have assessment. Selecting Loop will repeat the phrase but assessment will not be available.
  • Hide the notation as described above.

04 Hover cursor

There you have it. A way to use the powerful features of SmartMusic even with the notation not visible! Memorizing can now be more efficient, productive and…fun!

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