Martha Boonshaft, Middle School Director of Bands for the Garden City School District in Garden City, NY, shares how she uses SmartMusic and Finale together to enhance her students’ learning experiences.
Teacher Tip: An Activity Tracker for Vocalists
Mary-Hannah Klontz, choral teacher at Swanson Middle School in Arlington, VA, and doctoral candidate at George Mason University, shares why she uses SmartMusic and Finale in her teaching.
Feature Friday: SmartMusic and the Holidays
Holidays can be a very enjoyable time with all the festivities with family and friends. These occasions are the perfect time for you to encourage your students to perform for enjoyment and fun instead of just getting ready for another concert at school.
Teacher Tip: Using Technology in Rehearsals
Chris Grifa, band director at Creekside Middle School (Carmel, IN), shares how he uses technology in rehearsals.
Technology is integrated into the classroom everyday and is an integral part of the students’ daily classroom experience.
SmartMusic Gets Spooky
Certain times of the year hold appeal for students and it is always nice to find music that is fun and motivational for them to play but also has educational value.
Feature Friday: How to Demonstrate SmartMusic to Parents
As a teacher, you know the importance of communicating with the parents of your students. Sharing with them your class goals, grading policies, and expectations helps everyone feel more comfortable and can alleviate possible misunderstandings throughout the year.
Feature Friday: Develop More Confident Musicians
As educators we know that some students eagerly embrace the idea of performing for a group while others would rather walk on fire.
Best Back-to-School Resources
School is back in session and we know you are busy. To help you get answers quickly to the most frequently asked questions at this time of year, we’ve compiled our best back-to-school resources for you in one place.
SmartMusic Feature Friday: Back to School Resources
We’ve been busy making sure that SmartMusic is ready for you and your students in the new school year.
SmartMusic Feature Friday: Classroom Activities
We have a new resource that contains many classroom activities that use SmartMusic’s audio and visual components. In addition to having students use SmartMusic as a practice tool at home, using it in the classroom can help engage students so that you can use the time you have to teach more efficiently.