I hope the school year has settled down for all of you and your students. It’s been pretty busy as usual, and MakeMusic is no exception.
Getting a quick read on your students’ assessment scores
While we’re very proud of the work and success of our most recent desktop and iPad SmartMusic releases, we’ve also heard about the difficulties some teachers have had with a few particular issues.
Sight Reading with SmartMusic
Ten years ago I inherited a wonderful band program from a talented teacher. Included were a large, clean room with well-kept equipment, a great library, and a giant metal bookshelf full of oversized purple binders.
Will your students be buying SmartMusic online?
Based on your feedback we’ve made it easier for your students to purchase SmartMusic online.
SmartMusic Security Improvements
In an effort to best safeguard your login data and student records, we’ve recently made some improvements to our security measures.
Meet Mark Maronde, SmartMusic Project Coordinator
Mark Maronde, always looking out for SmartMusic users. (Or is that “out looking?”)
Mark Maronde is the SmartMusic project coordinator.
Get SmartMusic Ready for the Summer!
As the end of the school season approaches, music educators have many things on their minds.
How SmartMusic is going to spend the summer vacation might not be one of those things.
Updates to the SmartMusic Gradebook
We have released many updates to SmartMusic since the beginning of the school year. As a result of your feedback we’ve added important functionality, reinstated most “Impact” features (several years worth of them in a few months time), and have refined many minor points along the way.
Can SmartMusic help AFTER the holiday concert?
Right now most of you are busily ramping up for holiday concerts, and using SmartMusic to ensure your students are better prepared than ever.
When SmartMusic Assessment Doesn’t Improve
While the numbers vary, the following scenario is one we enjoy hearing frequently:
A student plays along with SmartMusic and receives a 95% assessment score, tries again and gets a 92%, then again and hits the magic 100%.