We are continually growing the SmartMusic repertoire library. This month we’ve added several large ensemble and solo titles.
Our Success Story: Contest Winners
Our Success Story was a contest created to celebrate the success students are achieving using SmartMusic. To participate, educators were asked to share short essays about their students’ SmartMusic experience.
Make Music Day is Friday, June 21, 2019!
June 21 is Make Music Day, a worldwide celebration of music. It’s an opportunity for you, your students, and everyone in your community to make music together, so spread the word!
Featured Content: Habits of a Successful Choral Musician
This past February, at the 2019 TMEA convention in San Antonio, GIA Publications announced the release of Habits of a Successful Choral Musician by Eric Wilkinson and Scott Rush.
May Repertoire Update Featuring Count Me In
Every month we add to the SmartMusic Repertoire Library. For May we’ve added seven large ensemble titles, 34 solo titles, and a powerful new method book for teaching rhythm, titled Count Me In.
New SmartMusic Feature Added in Finale!
Today MakeMusic released Finale v26.1, a free-of-charge update for all owners of Finale version 26. Among other improvements, it debuts a new feature that converts classic SmartMusic SMP and SMPX files into a format that can be used with new SmartMusic.
Featured Content: Chameleon
In honor of Jazz Appreciation Month, today we’re featuring Chameleon, a wonderfully funky jazz standard from Herbie Hancock’s classic Head Hunters album.
Create and Edit Music with SmartMusic’s Notation Tool, Compose
While SmartMusic includes an unrivaled online repertoire library, there may be times when you wish to augment this library with music you’ve created.
Video Tips from Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band: When It Goes Off the Rails
As part of our jazz appreciation month celebration, we’re excited to share our third video of a three-part series from Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band.
Our Success Story: A SmartMusic Contest
One of the best things about being a part of the SmartMusic team is hearing the amazing things that teachers and students are accomplishing with it.