If you have a few days after the concert and before the winter break, it can offer a window of opportunity to get some things done.
Meet Pam Phillips, Coauthor of Copyright Handbook for Music Educators and Directors
Editor’s note: Most music teachers are concerned with copyright law but it often ends up being a lower priority than rehearsing, teaching, and preparation.
Customization and Sight Reading Builder
Every educator using new SmartMusic now has access to Sight Reading Builder. With it they can quickly create an infinite number of sight-reading exercises that are customized for their students.
Prevent Teacher Burnout
It’s easy for anyone, let alone an overworked music educator, to feel overwhelmed at this busy time of the year.
Featured Content: Arabian Dances by Roland Barrett
If you grew up with Star Trek, you may wonder when technology is going to catch up and provide us with a working transporter.
Video: What Adjudicators Wish They Could Tell You
Ever wonder what adjudicators think but aren’t able to tell you?
Wonder no more.
In this archived webinar, experienced contest and festival judge Laura Vaughn expands on topics covered in her popular blog post.
Download Our Free Sight-Reading Ebook
Have you ever been asked what superpower you’d most like to possess? It would be hard to beat the ability to fly.
Your First 40 Minutes in SmartMusic
Getting started with a new tool can be daunting. But minutes after logging in to SmartMusic for the first time, you can be listening, performing, and practicing with your students.
SmartMusic Repertoire Update: November 2018
We’ve just added 16 large ensemble titles to the SmartMusic repertoire library. Included are pieces for choir, band, string orchestra, and full orchestra.
What’s New in SmartMusic: Fall 2018
If you’re using classic SmartMusic, or not using SmartMusic at all, you may not be aware of everything we’ve done to improve new SmartMusic since school let out last spring.