Last month we were excited to share PDF catalogs of SmartMusic’s extensive library on our blog, but as we continue to add new content on a regular basis, it’s already time to share an update on the new titles added since then.
Explore SmartMusic’s Extensive Music Catalog
SmartMusic Spotlight: Varsity Performing Arts’ “Together As One”
This fall, SmartMusic is proud to team up with Varsity Performing Arts to support their “Together As One – One Nation“ initiative, which offers a fully arranged, designed, and choreographed marching band performance free of charge to any school or band director.
Content Worksheet for Getting Students Started in SmartMusic
Introducing students to a new technology can be daunting, especially when you can’t be in the room with them to help navigate getting set up and trained.
SmartMusic Q&A with The Cadets
Founded in 1934, The Cadets are the oldest and most honored drum corps in the world. This fall, we are proud to partner with The Cadets in providing each of their members with SmartMusic subscriptions so that they can stay connected, and continue playing music in a virtual environment.
Using SmartMusic’s Percussion/Clapping Mode for Rhythm Assessment
As teachers embark on an unprecedented back to school season—with many students lacking access to their instruments, and with the inability to rehearse as ensembles—many educators are emphasizing individual musicianship skills in their curriculum to continue musical growth in remote and hybrid settings.
Introducing Parents to New Technology
Teaching a generation of students who are native technology users still comes with challenges, and while students may be tech-savvy, parents can still struggle with new tech for learning.
Teaching with SmartMusic’s Suite of Tools—No Matter the Setting
Back to school season may feel a little different these past couple of years, but nothing has changed about our commitment to providing tools that keep all music educators and students connected and playing music all year long.
How to Download Student Recordings From the Gradebook
Life has changed drastically over the last several months in the world of music education. One of the biggest disappointments teachers faced last spring was the inability to showcase their music programs in annual spring concerts and recitals.
SmartMusic Summer Repertoire Update
This summer, we’ve expanded SmartMusic’s unrivaled repertoire library to include an additional 135 titles, including solos; large ensemble pieces for concert band, string and full orchestra, choir, and jazz band; and methods.