The SmartMusic Repertoire Development team just released 76 new titles for concert band, jazz ensemble, and string orchestra. Here’s a quick glance at the new titles and their composers/arrangers.
SmartMusic Blog: “I had a bunch of kids failing at mid-quarter…”
Do you ever feel like you’re not communicating with your students?
Chris Porter, director of bands at Brooklyn Center High School, instructed her students to play their concert pieces with SmartMusic and submit the assessments.
Meet SmartMusic Teacher Leigh Kallestad
Leigh Kallestad and Paul Copenhaver, past president MMEA. Photo by Ric Wilborn
As a senior account manager at MakeMusic, Leigh Kallestad helps educators implement SmartMusic and Finale into their music programs.
New Additions to the SmartMusic Repertoire Library
The SmartMusic Repertoire Development team just released 39 new titles for concert band and string orchestra, and I thought you might enjoy a quick glance at the new titles and their composers/arrangers.
SmartMusic, Snow Shoveling, and the Holidays
St. Paul, Minnesota, on December 12, 2010: Sunshine and more than 17” of fresh snow – ready for shoveling.
SmartMusic, Drum Corps, and Long-Distance Learning
Photo of Dr. Ramon Vasquez by Matt “Why use a real camera when my phone is so handy” Ferry
For those of us not actively involved in the world of drum and bugle corps, few musical activities could be further from our minds during a December snowstorm.
SmartMusic, Practice Reports, and Truthfulness: A Response
In James Lund’s most recent blog post he asked: “Have you ever handed your students a piece of paper asking them to document how many minutes they’ve practiced in the week?”
In James’ experience, “nothing turns otherwise honest kids to deceit quicker.” While James’ post went on to describe how improvements in SmartMusic 2011 make it possible to objectively measure practice time, I thought it might be fun to also devote some time to telling stories of the way it was before SmartMusic 2011.
Hidden features in SmartMusic and Finale
With the release of each new version of SmartMusic or Finale, we publicize all the new features and benefits we’ve added.
Meet SmartMusic Teacher Ron Sikes
We recently received a great email from band director Ron Sikes. Here’s an excerpt:
My high school band was selected to perform at the Missouri Music Educators Association Convention this year.
SmartMusic Blog: Community Service
MakeMusic Habitat Crew, Friday, August 13, 2010
Back row, L to R: James, Rebecca, Chris, Michael, Jeff, and Jessica.